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Jim Hunt Bar to Huntley Park
2.80 mile Paddle 50 minutes

About 7.25 miles up Jerry’s Flat Road you will see the sign for Huntley Park. Head into the park and drive west towards the gravel bar. Follow one of the routes down to the most easterly point just above the large riffle. Put in and paddle along the south side of the river until you get to the current line, about 2 tenths of a mile. Cross over to the Tututun Lodge Bar and let the back eddy take you up until you get to the current (third of a mile) then cross over to the eddy line on the south side of the river. As you get close to Huntley Park Bar the current picks up. As you get close to the bend in the bar the current slows down. I turned around just past the end of the bar and headed back down to Jim Hunt Bar. Total paddle was 2.8 miles round trip and about an hour.
